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- Vendor: 5Strands Affordable Testing
Pet Raw Food & Environmental Intolerance Test - At Home Dog/Cat Hair Sample Collection
This bundle includes 2 tests :
(1) Raw Food Intolerance Test (2) Environmental Intolerance Test.
A total of 420 Items tested.
At home collection only require 10-15 Strands of HAIR.
Receive results in 7 Days
5Strands utilizes bioresonance technology that will identify temporary imbalances in the body that may be causing symptoms such as upset stomach, constant scratching, hair loss, hot spots, paw biting. These are non-life threatening responses and can take anywhere from several hours or several days to appear. Unlike an allergy, intolerances do not involve the immune system.
In order for you to see ANY positive transformations, this test requires 100% interaction. It is not always just a change from one protein source to another and switching out to a different bag of kibble. Sometimes it means that you must stop feeding your pet processed pet food/kibble and start cooking for them or feeding raw. This test is not about a quick fix that will mask the issues and give temporary relief. Get to the root cause of what is creating the unwanted symptom.
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Pet Raw Food & Environmental Intolerance Test - At Home Dog/Cat Hair Sample Collection
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